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了解你的数字! Blood Pressure Kits for Checkout

Self-measured blood pressure monitoring kits are now available for checkout at the 皇冠大全买球, thanks to a partnership with the University of 怀俄明’s 怀俄明 Center on Aging (WyCOA) and the 怀俄明 Department of Health’s Chronic Disease Prevention Program.

的包, available in both English and Spanish, include an automated home blood pressure cuff; blood pressure logbooks; educational materials from the American Heart Association; information on what blood pressure is; and ideas for healthy lifestyle changes. 的包 also include a resource directory of local community-based organizations and referral resources to the Cent$ible Nutrition Program and the Healthy U chronic disease self-management program.

The blood pressure kits are available through our 物库 collection and can be reserved online ahead of time. The loan period is 30 days. A kit will be automatically renewed, up to two times, if there is no hold on it.

“The blood pressure cuffs are a perfect and natural fit for the 皇冠大全买球 and our patrons,丽莎·斯克罗金斯说, the 皇冠大全买球’s Executive Director. “Our staff and the staff at libraries across the country are already routinely assisting patrons with unmet health and social needs by providing access to reliable local and online resources.”

The 皇冠大全买球 partners with groups like Enroll 怀俄明 to offer Affordable Care Act Open Enrollment help, hosts mental and physical health programs lead by local specialists, and is piloting a project called 怀俄明 Public Access Telehealth Spaces (WyPATHS) to offer HIPAA-secure and ADA-compliant telemedicine from certified healthcare providers across the state.

Nearly half of adults in the United States–47% or 116 million–have high blood pressure, also known as hypertension, or are taking medication for hypertension, and 24 percent with hypertension have their condition under control, 根据 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 在怀俄明州,30人.7 percent of adults have been told that they have high blood pressure, 根据 怀俄明 Department of Health’s Chronic Disease Prevention Program.

While self-measured blood pressure is not a substitute for regular visits to a primary care physician, it is a way for individuals to see and track their numbers, giving them more information that can be communicated to their doctors.

信息就是力量, and the more information a patient and their doctor have, the better the treatment plan,Maggie Kougl说, a WyCOA senior project coordinator. “Better treatment plans lead to better overall health. That’s the goal of this project–to work to improve the health of our communities.”

The 皇冠大全买球 is committed to building and supporting strong, healthy communities. This project provides a unique opportunity to offer the community more information about self-monitored blood pressure and its important role in health.

“We’re thrilled to partner with the 怀俄明 Department of Health and WyCOA to bring these much-needed resources to the community,斯克罗金斯说.

For more information about WyCOA, call (307) 766-2829, email wycoa@uwyo.edu 或访问 www.uwyo.edu/wycoa.

